Not because of the suicide but because of the hack tools. But "abuse" means, for example, repeated suicides faster than humanly possible. Yes, "death abuse is being actively banned". If they for some reason decided that the current "meta" used by so many players is bannable, they'd announce it, to make people stop before they're banned. And Nexon has not issued any warning to players to stop doing it.Ĭontrary to popular belief, Nexon is not out to ban as many players as possible. Please don’t suggest Suicide Kanna to someone and get them banned.Īnd yet hundreds if not thousands continue to suicide farm with no ban. People have posted GM chat logs showing them saying that death abuse is bannable. GM’s have said more than once it’s not intended gameplay and is against the ToS. There’s more than enough proof that death abuse is being actively banned. If you are having any issues, shoot us an email, Contact MPGH Support.There is no evidence to suggest that Nexon is actively banning people for using suicide Kanna's, there are a few people who've protested a ban, but we have no way to know how or why they were banned.

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