Journal entry Nothing about sorceresses should be taken at face value. If you let Keira go to Radovid (or didn't do the quest at all), this will later unlock the secondary quest A Final Kindness.If she doesn't go to Kaer Morhen, the Brothers In Arms: Velen quest later will automatically fail.If you convince Keira to go to Kaer Morhen, she will join you for The Battle of Kaer Morhen.The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine Review selecting any option where you either demand the notes first or tell her you can't let her do that will cause her to fight you which will, unfortunately, lead to her death and Geralt will burn Alexander's notes.The quickest path to such a route is to selected "used", "serpent", then demand the notes, which will lead to a fight and her death.it doesn't matter what you pick as long as you don't 1) mention Kaer Morhen 2) demand the notes first and 3) say you can't let her do that.The quickest route to this is to select "used", "serpent", and then exit out of the conversation. as soon as you have the option to exit out of the conversation, use it and she'll go parley with Radovid.If you wish to let her go to Radovid (100 ): If you convince her to go to Kaer Morhen, you can then ask for the notes without having to kill her. This is the only chance you can mention it, after this you either have to let her go or kill her yourself.the quickest conversation path is to ask about the notes, "Radovid never forgets", "It's suicide", and then the fourth option will let you suggest Kaer Morhen.

If you want her to go to Kaer Morhen (100 ): The conversation with her can go 3 different ways: kill her, let her go to Radovid, or convince her to go to Kaer Morhen. (50 ) She admits that she is planning to bargain with Radovid, believing that he'll pardon her for her association with the Lodge by giving him the notes. When you get close enough to it, a cutscene plays out as Keira exits the structure, pocketing Alexander's notes on the Catriona plague. Travel to Fyke Isle's tower to find Keira.